Change delimiter in Correlation report CSV export
under review
Wouter van Dijk
The current values in a CSV export are comma-separated. This is not ideal because text fields quite frequently also contain commas. For example the displayname.
A different default separator (for example ";") would save a lot of time that is now needed to get the data in the right columns.
Rick van den Dijssel
under review
Rick van den Dijssel
Niek de Melker Wouter van Dijk Thanks for you feedback. I would suggest always using comma as delimiter but put the values between double quote. This way don't have any issues regarding a comma in the values because Excel will not use that as delimiter. The disadvantage of choosing your own delimiter is that the sign can always be in the data maybe not now but in the future. Do you agree on me with this?
Niek de Melker
Rick van den Dijssel: I have no problem with the csv as it is right now, so I think no change is needed at al. Always place it between double quotes should be fine and not break any standards, so if that is the way you wanna go I'm in.
Niek de Melker
I disagree, a "Comma-Seperated Values" file should by default be comma seperated. Maybe this could be a configurable in the tenant settings for those who really want this?
Besides, Powershell and Excel can both import the current export type perfectly. In Excel you should use the "Data > From text/CSV" function for good results, changing the default delimiter isn't really a solution.
Wouter van Dijk
Niek de Melker: You've got a good point there Niek. The "Data > From text/CSV" function works. I also just now noticed that the string values of the displayname are noted as a special case with surrounding double quotes.
I used the "Text-to-Columns" function in excel, as did our Tools4ever consultant :).
This reduces the need for a different delimiter in my use-case when analyzing the data in excel.
I still think it is wise to use a delimiter that is likely not present in the contained data though.
Remco Meinema
Niek de Melker: De term comma-seperated-value moet je niet letterlijk nemen. Varianten met een ander scheidingteken komen ook veel voor. Verder ben ik het met Wouter eens dat het handig zou zijn een teken te gebruiken wat je niet veel tegenkomt in de tekst die je verwerkt. Wellicht zou het goed zijn als het scheidingsteken te configureren was zodat ieder het naar eigen wens kan instellen.
KaHo Man
Rick van den Dijssel: rapport uncorrelated accounts, daar is de displayname van het account niet tussen quotes, daar werkt de text to columns onderdeel dus niet correct.