Do not trigger the pre-onboard and pre-offboard events for excluded persons
Kevin Kanters
This sounds good, especially if, for example, we can completely exclude a Source system, this would help, for example, we would be helped if we only get reports from 1 source system and not more.
Rick van den Dijssel
Thank you for posting, Rick Jongbloed! I have a few more questions for you:
- Can you specify the criteria used to determine who is considered an 'excluded person'?
- Are there any specific scenarios or conditions under which notifications should still be sent to excluded persons?
- How do you currently manage or identify excluded persons within your system?
Rick Jongbloed
Rick van den Dijssel
- An excluded person is anyone with the Excluded flag in HelloID. This includes both individuals excluded via source mapping and those manually excluded.
- No, there are no scenarios where notifications should be sent.
- In this scenario, persons are excluded based on a complex mapping for the Excluded field in source mapping.