Enforcement Action Overview
Rick van den Dijssel
We would like to see all actions which are forecasted, currently running, and history (this is linked to the action summary).
- Show in entitlement state that action is currently running
- Show all actions in an overview
- Add option to retry failed and pending actions and the dependent action is initiated
- Add origin of action (the reason why triggered)
- filter on a system, action type, origin, state (pending has two states)
- search on a person, entitlement name
- Sort on the action last updated date
- Show history in a different view
Rick van den Dijssel
Merged in a post:
change status in entitlement overview if update fails
Rick Nieuweveen
When an update of a entitlement fails, I would like to see this in the entitlement overview with the status "update failed"(eg.). currently the status is still "granted" any failed updates won't be noticed when looking at the overview
Rick van den Dijssel
Merged in a post:
Remember deleted users with entitlements
Bernard Moeskops
I would like HelloID to remember persons, as long as they own entitlements. Now when a person is deleted from the source, HelloID refers to that person as 'unknown person' and emails being sent upon deletion have {{Person.Name.GivenName}} instead of the actual value for instance... Also when the customer asks who will be deleted, you can check the removed persons from the snapshot differences, but if 10 are removed and 5 had the entitlement there is no way of knowing who will be removed..
Logan Hawker
I think they've already done something similar https://helloid.canny.io/provisioning/p/enforcement-action-overview
Grady Koopman
Bernard Moeskops
If this is not possible because data cannot be kept when not delivered from the source. It would be better to unmanage/drop all the entitlements instead of sending wrong emails and deleting 'unknown persons'..
Rick van den Dijssel
in progress
Rick van den Dijssel
Merged in a post:
Person visible in audit logging when person is removed
Rick van den Dijssel
The person display name should still be visible in the audit logging when taken actions because of the removal of a person in the source system. This way we can still see on which person the action was revoked. It would be nice to see in audit logging that person doesn't exist anymore in person vault on time of record is logged.
Rick van den Dijssel
Planned September release
KaHo Man
The problem is (I believe) that the update is not an entitlement. Entitlements are granted by the business rules. While the update is triggered by differences in the person model. That an update has failed is indeed information a functional admin should be aware of.
Rick van den Dijssel
under review
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