Reconciliation suggestions on Active Directory accounts (access)
Rick van den Dijssel
Based on the reconciliation report we would like to take action and clean-up our Active Directory environment. Therefore we are getting suggestion how to handle certain scenario's between the difference in state of HelloID and Active Directory.
Scenario's with the suggestions:
Unmanaged account: The account exists in Active Directory but no corresponding state can be found in HelloID
- Option to solve suggestion (will be shown at next reconciliation report creation run)
- Option to delete account
- Option to disable account (only shown when account is enabled)
- Option to create an exclusion(*) for a specific period (3 months, 6 months, 1 year, 3 years). With extra option to disable account
Missing account: An account entitlement exists but no corresponding accounts exist in Active Directory
- Option to solve suggestion (will be shown at next reconciliation report creation run)
- Option to create account (unmanage & grant account). This option can be automatically forced without manual approval
Mistakenly enabled account: An account in Active Directory exists with a corresponding account entitlement in HelloID but the account is enabled but no corresponding account access entitlement exists
- Option to solve suggestion (will be shown at next reconciliation report creation run)
- Option to disable the account
Mistakenly disabled account: An account in Active Directory exists with a corresponding account entitlement in HelloID but the account is disabled although it has a corresponding account access entitlement
- Option to solve suggestion (will be shown at next reconciliation report creation run)
- Option to enabled account (unmanage account access & grant account access). This option can be automatically forced without manual approval
* Exclusion list:
- Suggestions will not appear for the excluded items as long as the exclusion exists.
- Exclusions are automatically removed when the selected period on creation is exceeded.
- It's possible to manually remove exclusions from the list
This feature requires the Governance module license.
Rick van den Dijssel
Rick van den Dijssel
in progress
Rick van den Dijssel
Planned June release
Rick van den Dijssel
Development is done sooner than expected so this is now planned for May release