Based on the reconciliation report we would like to take action and clean-up our Active Directory environment. Therefore we are getting suggestion how to handle certain scenario's between the difference in state of HelloID and Active Directory.
Scenario's with the suggestions:
Unmanaged account: The account exists in Active Directory but no corresponding state can be found in HelloID
  • Option to solve suggestion (will be shown at next reconciliation report creation run)
  • Option to delete account
  • Option to disable account (only shown when account is enabled)
  • Option to create an exclusion(*) for a specific period (3 months, 6 months, 1 year, 3 years). With extra option to disable account
Missing account: An account entitlement exists but no corresponding accounts exist in Active Directory
  • Option to solve suggestion (will be shown at next reconciliation report creation run)
  • Option to create account (unmanage & grant account). This option can be automatically forced without manual approval
Mistakenly enabled account: An account in Active Directory exists with a corresponding account entitlement in HelloID but the account is enabled but no corresponding account access entitlement exists
  • Option to solve suggestion (will be shown at next reconciliation report creation run)
  • Option to disable the account
Mistakenly disabled account: An account in Active Directory exists with a corresponding account entitlement in HelloID but the account is disabled although it has a corresponding account access entitlement
  • Option to solve suggestion (will be shown at next reconciliation report creation run)
  • Option to enabled account (unmanage account access & grant account access). This option can be automatically forced without manual approval
* Exclusion list:
  • Suggestions will not appear for the excluded items as long as the exclusion exists.
  • Exclusions are automatically removed when the selected period on creation is exceeded.
  • It's possible to manually remove exclusions from the list
This feature requires the Governance module license.