Title change, same code
Rob Kuipers
What specific outcome are you expecting when the title is changed?
That the title in my business will change accordingly
Is there a specific scenario or use case where this issue is causing a problem?
Last week HR changed 'Adviseur Facilitaire zaken' into 'Teamleider Facilitaire dient' both code 116, but the title in my business rule didn't change with it.
How frequently does this issue occur and how critical is it to your operations?
Once a year (or so, can't say, we don't use HelloID that long), it's non critical but annoying.
Rick van den Dijssel
Thank you for posting, Rob Kuipers! I have a few more questions for you:
- What specific outcome are you expecting when the title is changed?
- Is there a specific scenario or use case where this issue is causing a problem?
- How frequently does this issue occur and how critical is it to your operations?