Dual list needs more flexibility
under review
Nick Virgen
Hello, we're fairly new customers and making use of a dual list in one of our delegated forms. The ">>" and "<<" buttons that move the entire list over leave the opportunity open for our internal users to do some damage. I would like to request the capability of either disabling these buttons, or the preferred option is the option to remove them entirely for a cleaner look to the form. I see this was requested in 2020 and didn't gain much traction as far as upvotes, but we'd greatly appreciate this capability at our company! I anticipate several uses for these dual lists down the road. Thank you for considering
Michiel van der Veeken
under review
Ramon Schouten
Hi Nick Virgen,
Could you elaborate on the exact use case?
As far as I understand now, the use case would be that users can cause damage with them. I assume this being adding or removing too many groups or groups they shouldnt be able to add or remove?
If that indeed is the use case, then you won't need an additional feature for this.
As you can decide yourself what is shown in the dual list, in the left side are all available options and you could scope them to only the allowed groups. In the right side are all groups the user currently is a member of, but only those who match the available groups. So you can scope both sides and prevent users from being able to add or remove groups they shouldn't.