Reminder of open requests by email
under review
Michiel van der Veeken
Rick Davies We have reviewed this request once again. The development effort, but also the system impact on HelloID would be very high. Therefore I don't expect this item to be on the roadmap within the upcoming 6 months.
Patrique Burgersdijk
Any news regarding this request?
Michiel van der Veeken
Patrique Burgersdijk: The under review state means this thicket has given an estimated effort. But because of the (very) high effort, this ticket has not been planned on the roadmap.
Patrique Burgersdijk
Michiel van der Veeken: That’s unfortunate. Is it possible then to automatically decline after a period of time (let’s say one month) with an automated message that the request has been declined because of no response?
It seems silly to me if the admin needs to do this manually since HelloID SA is all about “automation”…
Michiel van der Veeken
Patrique Burgersdijk: Please see the following docs page to configure an automated approve or deny after a moment of time.
section "Automatic Action Enabled"
Patrique Burgersdijk
Michiel van der Veeken: Ahh damn... I should have known that :-) Well in that case this is sufficient enough. Only need to configure an extra email notification when denied but will figure that one out myself ;-)
Patrique Burgersdijk
In our organisation I see many request that are requested and pending. For some requests an auto approve would be OK but in some cases this is not done. Sending some reminders to approve would be really helpfull. Byt he way... Is this really UNDER REVIEW since the 10th of March 2020?
Rick van den Dijssel
under review
Bob Poldervaart
This really would be nice
Andy Stoutenbeek
Bob Poldervaart: Yes please!